“I wanted to play, capture the moment, and do as little editing as possible.”
What does "analogue" mean to you? A series of interviews with a variety of musicians and engineers. This series of interviews explores the value and appeal of analogue through questions posed to a wide variety of musicians and engineers. We hope that by experiencing their thoughts and explorations, you will encounter a new image of "analogue".
“I wanted to play, capture the moment, and do as little editing as possible.”
“The machine has a chance to introduce interesting texture and variables into the work.”
“The sky is the limit, it’s analogue!”
“Analogue is a process more than anything else.”
“Everything is changing. That’s why we have Analogue Foundation to keep that alive…”
“When you build something with your hands, it's not 100% perfect. That is like life. Life is not 100% perfect.”
“The dynamics and definition you get from listening to a record are still the best.”
“Maybe analogue is a more complete and continuous source.”
“Analogue says something vaguely holistic to me, something with numerous, intimately interconnected parts.”
“Analogue is something you can feel.”
“I think of analogue as being something that has a tactile quality to it.”
“I think it’s earth, but more so than that it’s warmth.”
“I suppose it means “pure”, because it hasn’t been encoded.”
“Somehow touchable… Repairable!”
“A tradition or culture that determines how we understand and approach sound, whether when creating it, recording it or playing it back.”
“Warmth. That’s the first thing that comes to mind!”
“The first thing I think about are machines.”
“The only reason it came back as a trend is because it’s reliable in terms of quality.”
“It means doing things a certain way. A style of working.”
“When the sound grabs hold of you in a special way.”
“There’s something noble about the word analogue.”
“I think of mistakes that can become masterpieces. That’s analogue.”
“The main thing is the love for music and trying to share that, which is nothing new.”
“The outcome sounds genuine and always unique.”
“It’s what my ear searches out for.”
“The idea is to restore vinyl records’ status as movable cultural property ahead of their definition as objects.”
“I could almost paint very profound things just by thinking of the word analogue.”
“Its warm sound, its fragile nature and its history.”
“Analogue sounds can capture those sexy round juicy sounds that you just can’t truly replicate with digital.”
“It’s our basic experience in analogue music that it’s the best quality you can get, still.”
“Warmth, quality, care, honest, deep…”
“ the first thing that comes to my mind is texture and authenticity.”
“Analog has certain aspects that make something analog.”
“To me it's more real and it's warmer. That's the kind of warmth and room sound that I've striving for.”
“With the records, you know like who produced it, which studio, what snare do they use, the sample, et cetera.”
“Analog to me, means something is alive.”
“The record is there the whole time, but it's just you sort of looking at it or listening to it in different way.”
“It all goes back into the warmth of the sound.”
“On this record, its like so soulful, jazzy, and hip-hop side of things, and that's why it's timeless.”
“It's so important to still appreciate music in its truest form.”
“You Actually end up feeling like you're inside the music. It's incredible.”
“The analog era to me is an era of full of detail, full of resolution, and full of atmosphere.”